英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:13:34
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1. 把…打发到
If you pack someone off somewhere, you send them there to stay for a period of time.

pack off

e.g. He packed off his wife and children to stay in a caravan in Wales...
e.g. I finally succeeded in packing her off to bed.

1. 解雇:pack it up 停止 | pack off 解雇 | pack up 打包

2. 密封:pack 装填;填满;大块浮谤;打包 | pack-off 密封 | Package and Unit Limitation 单位责任限制

3. (迅速的,果断的)打发走:She's packed in her job. 她已经放弃了她的工作. | pack off (迅速的,果断的)打发走 | She packed the children off to bed. 她迅速地把孩子们都打发上床睡觉.

4. 打发;寄出, 送走:pack in 挤进,挤入;停止 | pack off 打发;寄出, 送走 | pack up 把...打包, 整理

If you can afford it, why not pack your bags and set off on another experience - a "gap year" - to discover the world and learn about yourself in the process?(既然如此,若经济情况允许,何不背上行囊来开始另一种人生体验——“空档年”呢?在此过程中,你既能探索世界,又能更好地了解自我。)
The Rat Pack songs actually show off the boys' voices like never before.(鼠帮的歌曲使西城男孩们的嗓音发挥到了极致。)
Each pack contains four sheets of peel-off vinyl stickers, enough to make eight faces, including mustaches, hair-clips, cheeks, bow-ties, sunglasses, freckles, smiles and more!(每套贴纸有四板的乙烯贴纸,包括胡子、发卡、面颊、蝴蝶结、太阳眼镜、雀斑、微笑的嘴巴等等图案,足够你贴出8张脸蛋儿。)
It would be more liberating to pack it all off to a laundry and not necessarily more expensive, since no capital investment is required.(全部打包送去洗衣店会更自由,也不一定更贵,因为不需要资本投资。)
Its makers say that SpareOne is ideal to leave in the car for emergencies, or to pack in travel luggage - especially if you or your loved ones plan to go off the beaten track (or off-piste).(制造商称,“节约一号”放在车里应急用,或者装进旅行包再理想不过了,特别是你和心爱的人要去比较偏僻的地方时(或者去野外滑雪)。)
Now I'm off to pack for the beach.(现在,我要为去海滩收拾东西了。)
A collection of old songs from the 1960s infamous "Rat Pack" era, the album shows off the boys' versatile talents like never before.(专辑收录了60年代声名狼藉的“鼠帮”时代的老歌,比以往更充分地展示了男孩们的多才多艺。)
Dry them off, and when you pack them into tupperware, wrap some paper towels around it to absorb the moisture and keep them fresh for a few more days.(把菜晾干,当你把菜放进特百惠的保鲜盒时,在菜周围包上一些纸巾,这样可以吸走潮气并能多保持几天新鲜。)
As they move off to share their cigarette pack, the electrical system abruptly shuts down, the fluorescence of sunset our only light.(他们下车的时候把那包烟分了,这时,电路突然出现故障,只有夕阳的光芒照着我们。)
According to Caixin, local officials would take "illegal children" and pack them off to orphanages where they were put up for adoption.(根据财新杂志报道:当地计生委官员会“接走”“非法育儿”,并把他们带到孤儿院,等着被领养。)
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